Sunday, October 27, 2013

ch.16, v.38-55 (how old)

These our human companions, they perform tasks, innumerable, that are pleasing and good for dogkind.

Consider their storehouses: there they store that which is useful and, yea, also delicious.
They keep storehouses of both sedentary stillness and nomadic quickness,
Storehouses of volume both great and microscopic, and those of dimension less than great and greater than microscopic.
Thus we do enjoy the storehouse called "pocket" and that also called "cookie jar" and others called "cabinet" and those of the wintry airs called "fridge." Betimes, we gratefully greet the "grocery bags" that arrive upon a sudden, ripe with the luxurious and exotic scents of an extravagant hunt, and dispersed so suddenly as well into the wintry fridge and the temperate cabinet.
And the goodness and abundance stored in these storehouses,
These every dog knows by the knowingness of her nose.

But consider also the wisdom and ingenuity of our companions, how they know the contents of these treasuries,
How they do enumerate and calculate, yea, and also quantify.
Consider my companion, how she has signs for counting the biscuits and the hours and the perambulations of our ken, for cataloging the urinations and the defecations, and yea, also the livery treats called "pills."
She measures these in their assigned increments and accounts for them with solemn care.
She knows their repetition and their propagation and can signify even their accumulation.

And so when we do make our perambulations upon the paths of our territory,
And when we do there encounter those others who also perambulate upon these paths,
And they do see with the sight of their eyes the grey mask upon my face, and the testimony of my venerable jowl,
Then they do seek of my companion the answer to this great question, "How old is she?"

And my companion, she does consult the ledger of her weighty primate brain, she does swiftly calculate the sums of our perambulations, the moon's courses about us and our courses about the sun, and she does pronounce to them the measure of my being,
"She is Perpetual."

Exegesis and commentary
According the paperwork they had at Angell MSCPA when I adopted her, Frida is 15 years old this month.

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