Where he shall pitch his tent it shall be a dwelling of beauty and grace.
And where he shall make for us a denning place it shall be of grace and beauty.
And those who dwell in his structures shall know the goodness of these his creations.

Frida sleeping on the floor of his room, March 1, 2011.
Every day that he was home for hospice, she went right in and stayed there.
On March 2, after his body was removed and she came over, she never entered that room at all.
Yea and even as he does depart from the corporeal dwelling place of his self
Still shall we know in the memory of the one
And also the persistence of this other, his creations,
The grace and beauty and goodness he did bring unto his works and his living.

Don't know what house this is, but 1950s probably.

North Shore Music Theater, first theater in the round, I believe.

Queechee Village, Vermont.

Probably Martha's Vineyard. How we spent our summer vacations.

Home. The Victorian on Montvale Road, Newton Centre.

Master bedroom, where the recovering Catholic meditated and did yoga.

The Dunmere, Oak Bluffs.

Home office in Hull, I believe.

Kitchen/sun room in Hull, with Monty, Frida's big brother, as it were.

Weymouth, with family.
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