For a sickness is upon my companion,
And tho' the nose of the human smells it not,
Still in their ways of perception they discover it,
And hereunto we retreat for the recuperation of she who has many days
Been to me comforter and physician.
She makes not the perambulation of daybreak nor that of eventide,
And, lo, the greenness upon her face is greater even than the greenness of usual.
I make my way upon soft and noiseless pads,
And tho' tempted mightily to draw her from the nest of pillows and of blankets
I resist these the callings of my anxiety,
Nay, and trouble neither Karen Who Is Tall.

BTW, my sweatshirt says "Roxy," not "Sexy."
This was not a sexy moment in my life. Not at all.
O what physic is in the power of this dog to proffer?
The dew claws of my feet will function not as opposable tarsals;
I cannot hold the vial of medicine,
Nor can I prepare the soup of the chicken
Without consuming it prematurely to my own satiation.
Yea, but with the laws of the den cast aside, my companion,
I can give to you this gift of canine knowing--
I augment the deepness of your sleep,
By bringing within the sanctuary of the human bed
The healing transcendence of the napping of the dog,
And so I shall be if not your physician
Then on and as your comforter.

Exegesis and Commentary
Frida knows so much better than I do, maybe than many of us do, her limitations and her strengths, tho' it is an unusual ability for her to control her anxiety and not claw at me for attention when events occur outside of our routine. But, like most dogs, she knows when I'm not well and respects that. She also knows, from past experience, that when I'm not well and I'm sleeping a lot, she gets the rare treat of coming up on the bed, which really is just as much for me as it is for her. So altho' we haven't generally allowed the dogs on our beds since we moved in together, Karen agreed to break the rules this time, and Frida brought her healing dog nap onto the bed with me. I have to share this odd thing I noticed: the picture I took of the view from the dog bed

had this line in it:

(I was reading Emma, just fyi.)
And also just fyi, I found a picture of my "physician" online. For those among you who think your doctor is attractive, I like to put this in the category of "my surgeon is more beauteous than your surgeon." Think your favorite medical professional can compete? Bring it on.

Frida's Auntie Julia observed that it's standard protocol to be at least a little infatuated with your surgeon, but I think this fine wielder of the scalpel must have made it easier than usual to comply with that imperative. Esp for those of us with a thing for attractive, capable women with a good sense of humor.
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