O my companion what shall reveal to the sight of your eyes
The trials we suffer in the crevice that is your CRX?
Yea it is swift and faithful in the mechanism of its engine
It pleases you in the sweetness of the pedal and the wondrous loveliness of its frame
But, nay, do not allow these enchantments to stop up your ears and eyes and nose.

Hear you not the whimpers pressed from my lung when the poodle rests upon me the 50 pounds of her woollen body?
See you not the bent form of Karen Who Is Tall at your side, neither also the struggling to rise of your diminutive yet aged parents?
The weakness of the weakling human nose makes of it an instrument almost useless for navigation,
But does yours--not unimpressive of magnitude--fail even in detecting the creeping plague of moisture upon CRX's furnishings and upholstery?

Lo, but perchance you have heeded these signs, for before us now gleams a box of silver,
Expansive of interior and room for the head but still modest in consumption of the fossil fuels.

Hail, Scion, the new engine of our travels.
Exegesis and Commentary
Sad. Nobody else loved my CRX anymore. But they were all right. It was too small for two dogs, a six-foot-tall girlfriend, and the occasional need to drive my parents around. And the seals around the windows were all drying out (hence, the plague of moisture), the fabric on the ceiling was falling in, the passenger's side seatbelt and window didn't work anymore etc. But the engine was still so good and it handled so beautifully, except for parking, which was a pain b/c it had no power steering and what with my shoulder and neck issues, well, okay, it was time to let the car go . . .
But I was lucky enough to look on Craig's list in the last week that a nice, extremely responsible young woman from the South End had her 2006 Scion xA posted. It's still small enough, cute enough, and zippiness enough to please me, and it accommodates all my pack so much better.
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