Karen Who Is Tall fills once again her satchels for a voyage and departs,
With her the poodle who bears now a heavy coat of wool upon her hide.
My companion obtains a reprieve from her diurnal absence and keeps council in the den
Or together we inspect the paths of our snow-bound territory.

She performs only short excursions alone
Returning sometimes perfumed with strange fragrances.
The spoors of grandhumans are about her
And once the aromas of duck and cattle, of ginger tamarind
And other spices of lands far beyond both the rising and the setting of the sun.

In the deepest recesses of a night, travelers break our solitude--
Two pilgrims whose odor is known to me and one that is new but welcome.
I luxuriate in this good company--it is generous of praises and rubs for my belly.
They fill up the beds of our den and warm its air with the livingness of their bodies.
The pack grows.
We make many and unusual excursions together
Unto the new den of the grandhumans and
Unto the public house known as brendan behan
Where hospitable canines congregate upon the worn timber of the floor
While their humans grow relaxed with goodly libation.

Should not our days be always thus, my companion?
Exegesis and Commentary This is obviously Frida's take on the recent and unusual events of Christmas break, which were a welcome break from the usual routine for both of us. Since the MHS now closes from Xmas to New Year's, I was able to stay home much of the time, and have many more dog walks before the sun went down at the absurdly early hour of about 4pm.
Since neither of my brothers was able to make it to Massachusetts for Xmas day, my parents and I opted for a traditional Jewish Xmas with Marcia in Brookline, tho' we never made it to the movie portion of the day once the Chinese food indulgence was over (actually, I watched the DVD of the new biopic about Edith Piaf and regretted it--what is this French fascination with and glamorizing of women who are damaged and wildly self-destructive?).
At the very end of Xmas day Edmond arrived with Sibel and her son Eren, and Frida was very happy with their company. One evening at the Brendan Behan, where they allow dogs b/c they don't serve any food, was especially good. Oh, for a world where the faithful and well-behaved hound could follow one everywhere.
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