Sunday, November 16, 2008

ch. 9, v.1-22 (beartown state forest)

Our humans say "Here we shall pitch our tent
Where round about us gathers only this population of trees,
Taciturn and shadeful, their summer coats now heavy for the incipient equinox.
We shall rest in their quiet company
And hear in our ears neither the wailings nor the bass beats of chariots that pass upon the road."

Yea, thus deem our companions, but an invasion plagues this verdant wood--
A rampant brotherhood of chips o'erruns its peacefulness and calm.

Their squeakings are as like a multitude of tiny but sharp arrows
Delivered o'er the full journey of the sun across the sky
And shot from every branch of every tree and, yea, every crevice of every hillock upon the ground.
They taunt and tease dogkind, shaking at us their striped habits
And drawing us off the way of the path into the tangle of vines and thorns.

Again and again I give chase to drive them from us but their host is too vast
And my haunches grow weary from the pursuit.
Yea, tho' I be a varmit-hound of great prowess,
Tho' generations of rodents have trembled upon tree limbs at my thunderous alarum,
We cannot prevail, my companions, here in this western land.
Their numbers are too numerous and their retreats too swift;
They laugh a squittering laugh at our fruitless charges.

So thus we fold again our tent and pack again our provisions
And take refuge in this anonymous den, strangely sterile of scent
But like a fortress in its quiet and removal from the chipmunks legion.

Exegesis and commentary
Our fall camping trip took us to the campground at Beartown State Forest, where we saw no bears but more chipmunks than I've ever seen in one place before. The campground was lovely, and virtually empty, with Benedict Pond next to it for Frida's frequent dips.

We had a few beautiful fall days for camping and hiking, but as a major rainstorm approached for the last few days of our stay, we took a room in a motel just outside of downtown Great Barrington. It was Frida's first stay in any sort of "travel lodge" and she did surprisingly well. I thought she would be inclined to bark at the comings and goings of our neighbors, but she kept perfectly quiet.

Our hikes consisted of the trails around Benedict Pond, which included an intersection with part of the Appalachian Trail; a short walk to Bash Bish Falls on the New York border, which was disappointing after all the hype, and of course Frida was disappointed that she couldn't go in the water; and a beautiful hike up Monument Mountain.

Doesn't she look sad?

It was a relatively short hike--which was good, since the rainstorm was imminent--but a very satisfying trail with great views.

Saturday, November 15, 2008

ch. 8, v.1-24 (4 Nov. 08)

My companion, why weepest thou before the box of figments?
Why keepest this watch so late into the night?

The sight of my eyes perceives not the meaning of these lights,
But to the anvil of my ear comes a beautiful vibration.

Is this a distant thunder we hear?
O, praise the inauguration of these torrents,
May they soon wash across our streets and fields
So long now befouled with the excrement of bovines.
(Nay, not the posting of scat that informs the legion receptors of my muzzle,
But a deep and o'erwhelming putridity that turns away even this canine nose
--and turns also away the fellowship of our neighbors--
And keeps from our knowing the full length and breadth of our land,
Its many traces and paths and the fruitfulness we may there discover.)

Is this a trumpet call we hear, an alarm waking us
From a nightmare of apocalypse?
Before the wave of its resonance
Shades of anxiety and hobgoblins of scarcity
Seem to disperse and our eight-fold fears become as vapors
Blown away by a blast from the bellows of this artisan.

O humans of our territory
Prove now to us that the strangely large gray matter of your craniums
Is truly a storehouse of wisdom and not an armory alone.
Seize you now the swords and uzis of your mind
And use this forge to work them anew into plowshares and question marks.

Exegesis and commentary
I did not know Frida had such a liberal and heralding frame of mind. In fact, I've frequently assumed that if she could express a political affiliation she would be "conservative" in the sense that she prefers for things to remain as they are--and does not like for people to behave in unfamiliar or unconventional ways.

But she does value care and guidance, good pack manners, the regulation of greedy snatchingness (well, she'd like to be greedy and snatching herself but respects that we enforce portioning and the respect thereof), and a careful assessment of one's environment before rash action. Her behavior has always suggested the importance of a good show of strength, but that is usually accompanied with considerable anxiety on her part and she is quite happy when Nadja or I will manage new interactions with diplomatic approaches.

Except with terriers. She's been hearing about this War on Terriers for years now and she has taken it far too much to heart.

Saturday, September 20, 2008

ch.7, v.37-60 (the sickness)

The fires of physic have subsided and healing advances tenderly
As like a new generation of sprouted seeds sprung from a scorched earth.

We know not yet what each day brings unto us,
For some advance like the tired limbs of elder canines,
Determined but easily tempted to the restful rest of napping,
While others may awake with the burst of the puppy unable to remain abed with the rays of the sun upon its too soft face.

Yea, in wisdom we observe the end of the fires with walks upon the shores of fresh waters,
Wherein I wade and refresh my hide and many dogs also are wildly at play,
And with us walk the puppies of humans who make wild play upon the paths and upon the benches.

We take our perambulations in the warm company of good companions
--And, behold, these three have journeyed from far in the west--
Like a branch of the tree of the arbor that is our pack extended,
It bends its way back unto us for uplift in the days of healing.

Walk with me, small human who is brave and forthright,
Into the waters of the pond of jamaica.
Mind not the wetness of these superfluous fabrics,
For they shall dry in the light of this day's sun.

Nap with us, wise sire,
And be blessed with the armful of fluffy toys that are as sheep,
But beware the exuberance of your puppy
For your respite is but a plaything, a trampoline for her puppyish energy,
For to her the world is but all a wonder,
As much to be consumed upside down
As right side up.

Exegesis and Commentary
This was the end of August, and truly the most challenging parts of treatment seem to be over, and now recuperation is underway. A visit from Ann Arbor, with Rosie and Jon and Zoe, was a highlight of the time, and Frida had several of the extra and extra-long walks that typically come when I have visitors and extra days off from work. So the first was to Fresh Pond in Cambridge, near where SK and Big D live, with Leah and Isaac; Fresh Pond has an official off-leash dog play area that includes this wonderful little side pond. Highly recommended for dogwalkers in the Boston area.

Jamaica Pond doesn't include any official off-leash dog areas, but this spot near the "dog bowl" is the unofficial canine swimming hole. It's where Frida frequently takes her summer evening wade, and this time Zoe joined her, quite determined to go in as far as she could--maybe a bit to her parents' consternation. My parents, on the other hand, were happy with a bench in the sun.

Friday, August 29, 2008

ch.7, v.25-36 (the sickness)

An embarrassment of johnnies.

Yea, tho' it is the way of the pestilence to proliferate in numbers innumerable,
Tho' the fervent myrmidons of its genealogy escape the naked sight of the eye of the human,
Yea, tho' they thus seek to abound in the tissues and vessels of my companion's body,
A succor no less mighty and determined enlists to the aid of our pack.

Let these my verses praise the clan combined of beth israel and deaconness,
The tools and arts of healing great in both gentleness and fight.

Let me praise also the gifts of the hand and words of the mouth of these,
The members of our extended pack, some who journey from across many blocks of city, or many states of the land,
To offer comfort and sustenance in these days leaden with fatigue.

Unto their exaltation, we make with the cycle of each moon a celebration,
With feasting upon the bounty of the land and the fizziness of the vine,
And with the napping upon pretty feet.

June: brunch on Forest Hills Street

July: O bday at the MFA

Marcia's dessert made it into this picture, but not Marcia.

At home later with Julia and Roberta

Wanna see Roberta on her visit? Watch the feature film.

August: party boat at JP Seafood

Exegesis and Commentary
Hmmm, I feel the need to apologize at least a little for this blog. I suspect I was motivated in its composition less by a genuine desire to convey a Frida-eye-view of the world and more by my own desire to offer thanks to the many friends who have given their support of all sorts of the last five months. But, if you'll bear with this rare lapse in my apostolic charge, there is at least the nice video of Frida to enjoy.